- Phase 1: Sagittal Plane (Abdominal Control/Hip Extension Mobility/ Glute Activation)
- Complete these movements in a circuit. Begin with 5-10 reps of each 1-2x/day. If able to complete without increase in symptoms, increase by 5 reps the following session until you are able to complete 20 reps. At that point you are able to progress to the next phase. It should not reproduce any pinching or increase in symptoms. If any of these movements do cause pain, try to remain in a range short of pain or stop that particular movement.
- H-17 Activate the Core Without Pain VIDEO
- H-31 Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO
- H-30 Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- H-6 Seated Quad Stretch Foot Under Chair VIDEO
- Step Hip Extension with Push Off Progression (Pick One, they get progressively more challenging)